Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hiking on Glaciers

So I gave in and bought a guided tour to Vatnajökull National Park's glaciers. Here's the link. It was great, although I found myself hoping we'd go even higher. We put crampons on our shoes and it was much like regular hiking, only you had to make sure to push down when you stepped or else you might start sliding (that happened to me once). The naturally made caves were the most gorgeous things I've seen in Iceland so far.

The group I was with was very strange demographically. There were tough looking men who looked between the ages of 25-30, a few middle aged women, and one young couple I found it hard to age. There were no other Americans. There was a Damish guy, an Australian guy, two Spaniards, three Chinese women, plus a few people whom I didn't overhear talking to our guide, and so was unable to identify. I suspect I was the youngest person in our group, and certainly the youngest women (which only matters because the guide seemed particularly hmmmm I guess the word might be, worried for me- I'll find a better word later). I suppose the guide was right to worry, since I was the only one who ended up falling, though I was very quickly back on my feet and determined to show I was fine. If it wasn't for how slow I was walking back down (it's much harder to walk downhill on a glacier, much too easy to not press down hard enough when walking and start slipping), I'd consider a tougher climb. But that would be a *lot* of money and I'd rather come back and do that with a friend sometime, so as not to make everyone resentful towards me when I inevitably fall behind when we start walking down.

Afterwards we went on a duck boat (!) to Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon and then *that* became the most beautiful thing I've seen her.

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