Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Slight Update

I'm blaming the last entry on exaustion and hunger. I forgot to eat that day and barely ate the day before, and as a result my mind went to the same crazy headspace it gets to when I'm stressed from school and forget to eat. Even though a lot of what I said was true, there are no easy answers, and I must soldier on like I always do.

If anyone out there follows this, I'm simutaneously writing present and past entries from this break. In case you're wondering how new entries from Kenya popped up. Or Cardiff.

I have a really great hotel room! I flirted a bit with the manager downstairs and he must really want me to stay here longer, because he upgraded my basic single room to a queen-sized bed one with a balcony and a flat screen tv with a gazillion channels. I'm a little afraid he'll sneak up later and try and woo me, but if he does, I'll just reject him. I don't get a rapey vibe from him. He's geeky. If he hadn't tried to give me really, really terrible advice about acting, and then basically tell me a story about sleeping with another girl who stayed at the hotel, I'd probably think him cute enough. The room is pretty awesome,

I'm going to see "Haunted Child" tonight at the Royal Theatre with friends tonight! Woot Woot!

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