It's getting to the point in my trip when I'm starting to get lonely. I had a wonderful day yesterday: I went to see "13" at the national theatre, I ate wagamama for dinner and then I went back to my fancy hotel to watch Sherlock on its big, flatscreen TV. I
love the solitude of these trips I make, and I love getting to do whatever I want (especially after Kenya), but I am starting to get lonely.
There's a boy. Not Ginger. I keep thinking, "Why are you intent on us getting along? We don't have to get along to date. We wouldn't even have to get along to fall in love," but what I really mean is, why do we have to date? Friendships are relationships too, aren't they? They generally outlast romantic relationships, and marriages- many people's idea of the pinnacle of a romantic relationship- well those are supposed to be built on top of friendship. Aren't they? So really, friendship > everything else. Or maybe I am asexual. I enjoy manipulating other people's bodies. But that isn't always a sexual enjoyment. Sometimes I just like the idea of other people being vulnerable and at my mercy.
Or maybe it's the fact that he's straight. I don't like dating straight people, because I don't like the idea of being loved only because I was born with a certain set of chromosomes and a certain set of body parts. The same thing applies to gay people, I know, but at least most gay people I know try to date the opposite gender at least once in their lifetimes and find it lacking. I just hate the concept of disregarding 50% of the population when searching for someone, whether it be for a relationship or sex. I think sex (because of the hormones involved) is sometimes as useful as relationships at getting people to be more open-minded.
And I think gender is more fluid a concept than we realize. The gap between what defines men and what defines women is narrowing. This is almost as true of jobs and appearances, as it is sex. At least supposedly. I obviously can't quote my friends and cosmo articles as being represenetive of the western world. But. At least supposedly. There are some kinky gender-bending sex acts becoming more in style.
As a child I was never certain of my gender. Somedays I was quite happy to be a girl. But sometimes I asked to be called a boy instead. That feeling is rarer these days, but it still exists. If I am ever to be loved, I would like to be loved for all of me. Not just the parts of me accepted by society at large.
But more than that even, I think, I desire england. I desire england above anyone or anything. She will almost certainly break my heart.